Do You Need Quality

With Tutor Pass you don’t have to worry about being disappointed with online tutoring. We provide the expert online tutors you need.

Top-notch Tutoring

Our tutors are hand-selected from only the best in South Africa. They are all qualified to provide the personalised tutoring you need.

Great user experience

Students can easily book a session and reschedule or cancel a session. We know that life happens and our support team is here to support you throughout.

affordable pricing

Our tutors decide on their own pricing for each subject. We also have group classes which allow you to pay less and receive a more interactive tutoring session.  

Online Tutors You Can Trust

View Our Categories Below

Follow These Steps To Reach Your Goals!

1: Find A Tutor

Choose from our online tutoring categories to find one of our many expert tutors. They each set their own price but you can select a tutor based on their rating as well!


You can book a session and pay – all within 1 minute. Our system allows you to reschedule and cancel if need be. T & C’s apply.


Our tutors mainly use Zoom for their tutoring sessions, but they also provide online tutoring using Google Meet, Skype, Teams and more. Be sure to leave a message when you book for which tool you would like to use.

Now That You Know What To Do, Go Ahead & Book Below


3 different formats to choose from

Why Should You Have To Learn The Same Way As Everyone Else?

Online Tutor

One-On-One Sessions

Join expert tutors who will assist you to grasp your study material from high school subjects, qualifications, university modules & more.
Online Tutor

Group Sessions

Sometimes it helps to learn in a group. Our online tutors use Zoom to connect you with your classmates.

Online Tutor

On-Demand Sessions

Perfect if you want to work through the study material at your own pace. Our tutors will create quality courses to help you pass your exam.

online tutoring done right

Get Tutoring Sessions On Demand Via Our Online Course Format

virtual tutor

Recorded Live Tutoring Sessions

All Online Tutoring sessions are recorded and placed into a course with extra quizzes, where necessary.

virtual tutor

Recorded Live Tutoring Sessions

All Online Tutoring sessions are recorded and placed into a course with extra quizzes, where necessary.

virtual tutor

Sign Up At Any Time Of The Year

Never miss a session and receive extra support from your tutor. This allows you to study at your own pace.

virtual tutor

Sign Up At Any Time Of The Year

Never miss a session and receive extra support from your tutor. This allows you to study at your own pace.

virtual tutor

One Fixed Monthly Fee

Choose to pay a once off fee or a fixed monthly fee, allowing you to pay off the course, while you learn.

virtual tutor

One Fixed Monthly Fee

Choose to pay a once off fee or a fixed monthly fee, allowing you to pay off the course, while you learn.

become an online tutor

See How We Have Flipped The Way You Do Online Tutoring

Click Here To Flip Me

Freedom To Charge What You Want To

We take care of the marketing and administration. You show up and do your thing.

Click Here To Flip Me

Turn Your Tutoring Into Online Courses

Turn your live tutoring sessions into courses for extra income (full training provided for)

Click Here To Flip Me

Set Your Own Schedule

Change the times you are available AT ANYTIME from your dashboard with changes taking effect immediately.


See What People Are Saying 


Sulaiman is seriously one of the best tutors I have ever had. He pays so much attention to the small details and I passed with distinction – AGAIN!

my tutor
John Vermeulen
UNISA Student

I love the idea of being able to have a course to help me work through my learning material wthout needing a tutor. The best part is that if I get stuck, I can quickly book a tutor. Love it!

my tutor
Ryan Jansen
High School Student

The system is so quick and easy to book a session. Really love how you guys have thought of everything to make choosing the right tutor and booking a session so simple.

my tutor
Tozamo Ncube

Do You have Any Questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

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Who can benefit from Tutor Pass?

Many different categories of people can benefit from Tutor Pass:

  • Students of any level, professionals, hobbyists and anyone who wants to learn about a particular subject with the help of a personal tutor
  • Professional teachers, subject matter experts, professionals of any industry and discipline, hobbyists and, in general, any persons who would like to share their knowledge with other people for money and/or fun
  • Tutoring companies that want to expand their commercial channels
  • Organizations who need tutoring services for their personnel.
Are lessons online or in person?

Based on the needs and constraints of the student and the tutor and their locations, our tutoring can ONLY be done online. We use Zoom as our default option, but the tutor is able to use any live video tool for online tutoring.

Is online tutoring better than traditional, in person tutoring?

No telecommunication tool can be as effective as a face-to-face lesson, but the results of online tutoring are generally very satisfactory, also thanks to the high quality of the communication tools and Internet connections available today.

In fact, online lessons have some important advantages over traditional lessons: they can be much cheaper, don’t require students or teachers to travel, and can be much more flexible as regards their frequency, duration and scheduling. Tutoring sessions can be arranged very quickly, and the tutors can answer questions and give help in real time when the need arises.

How does online tutoring work?

Online tutoring means that the lesson takes place using one of the many communication tools available on the Internet, like Zoom, Skype, Windows Live, Google Meet, Yahoo Messenger, etc.

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Can I reschedule or cancel my online tutoring session?

Yes, you can. As long as it meets our rescheduling and cancellation policy. It can easily be done on your user dashboard and if you reschedule you can choose another open slot for your originally selected tutor. 

Does Tutor Pass recommend a specific tool for online lessons?

Yes, we do. Our system utilises Zoom as our main communications tool. There are many excellent free tools available online like Skype, Windows Live, Google Talk, Yahoo Messenger and other tools that are also for online learning. Your tutor will communicate with you before your session which tool they prefer to use, if its not the default Zoom.

Do I need to install any special software for tutoring or learning?

Please do download Zoom here. The tutoring sessions are done using common online communication tools, and for most online sessions you will need to install Zoom. Do they download Microsoft Teams and Google Meet, just in case.

How do I become a registered user?